Så här kommer du igång med NEX Online
Denna instruktion förutsätter att du redan har en registrerad profil hos oss. Är du en ny resenär skickar du ett mail till nexonline@nex.se så hjälper vi dig.
- Click on the link https://amadeus.cytric.net/ibe/?system=ama-nex-lkab
If it doesn’t work paste it.
- Then you will see the log in plate.
3. Enter your User name, which is your workmail
4. Enter Password: Your LKABID. Look under your picture on the company id-card
5. After log in you will be asked to change password. Choose password and follow the instructions
6. Enter your new password on the start page, now you will be logged in
7.Click on your name on the right
8. Click on user profile, you will now see boxes with different data. Click your way through and enter correct information. Address telephone and/or credit card number and/or passport number. You decide what information you are comfortable to put into the system.
Remember to enter your full name exactly as written in your passport. Forename and surname
9. There will be a self service with added functions launched after the summer. That will also include a phone-app. More information and guidelines about self-service will be posted by LKAB, after the summer holidays.
Booking for now is best done by calling personal service +46 970 - 10587 or send email to lkab@nex.se
If you want some help with the system or something explained. Please contact Nex Travel on nexonline@nex.se